Monday 25 June 2012

The Brighton to Brighton Stroll

With terrifying prospect of having to walk 26 miles, across rugged Yorkshire terrain and up and down the 3 tallest peaks the County has to offer, a wise man ( or woman) would suggest that an element of preparation might be a good idea.

Cycling to and from work each day was , I ought , a good start, and it probably is for basic fitness, but putting some miles into my walking boots was the thing. The Macmillan 'Thank You for Suffering for Us' preparation pack, which came through the door was little help.

Ok, it suggested i do a 12 week training regime, which sounded sensible, but it started at walking 5 minutes a day for a week or 2. This built up to 10 minutes a day for several more weeks. Eventually the hardened rambler would reach the heady heights of a full 60 minutes at the end of the 12 weeks.

 How, I thought, is that going to prepare me for a 12 hours slog! It might be good training for the Brighton to the still in Brighton, but with a different view of the pier, charity stroll event, but not for the hardcore foot challenge I faced.

To hell with the book, I thought. Tomorrow it's Sunday and I will get up early, say 6 am, and start walking and walk and walk and walk. No slow build up, no easing the boots in, let's see what these legs can do.

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